How to remove labels from jars

Image result for jars aestheticFor an eco-friendly lifestyle, you will be using jars. Probably even lots of jars, but they have those sticky labels on them. I will show you my easy way of taking labels of jars. 

TOP TIP: Do not peel off bits of the label before using my method. You want it to come off in 1 piece leaving nothing behind. 

  1. Put the jar in a bowl of warm water so that at least the whole label is covered. 
  2. OPTIONAL, put in some dishwashing soap
  3. Leave for about 30 minutes
  4. Take out and peel off the label.
  5. If for any reason it leaves parts behind, they should be easy to scrape off if not repeat steps 1-3 and try again. 
Your shelves will look a lot neater and cleaner this way. 

I hope this helps you live a greener life!
