Eco Friendly Hair Tips

Black haired girl with roses in her hair. White backgroundWe all love our luscious locks, don't we? But there are times when we put our looks above the environment. Today I will be sharing how to look great and save the earth. Interested? Keep reading.

  1. Use solid shampoo and conditioner bars. They are available at zero waste and eco-friendly stores. I have them from Lush. 
  2. Reduce the number of times you wash your hair. If you wash your hair less your hair will stay clean longer. 
  3. Limit hair styling, your hair looks gorgeous without any styling too! Save your hair and the planet by reducing curling, straightening and hairdryer use. 
  4. Buy an eco-friendly brush. One that lasts longer and is biodegradable when the time finally comes to throw it away. I have been using the same brush for 4 years. 
  5. Recycle the packaging of hair products. 
  6. Choose for hair accessories that will last longer. Scrunchies from brands like 'Tabitha and Eve' will last a lot longer than thinner cheaper hair ties from the local drugstore. 
  7. Shower colder
I hope this help! Comment what you do to have more eco-friendly hair!
