Lekker Ineenpotje Deodorant

Today we are going to be doing another review. It will be the Lekker ineenpotje Deoderant. I recently bought this and decided to review it so you guys know what to expect. It has all-natural ingredients, eco-friendly packaging and overall a very low impact on the environment. In my reviews, I like to address the packaging, my first impression, and the result.

I picked this up at my local drugstore etos, so there was no shipping. I always recommend buying things instore, but these deodorants are available for order. It came in a recyclable cardboard box. And the deodorant itself was in a tin. I assume that the tin can be recycled but you can also just clean it out after use and store buttons or other small things inside of it.

The tin was easy to open and the deodorant smells very good. I have the flavor peppermint and rosemary. There was a little explanation on how to use it on the package. I smeared a little on both of my armpits and immediately felt refreshed. The only problem is that if your armpits are already a bit smelly you are going to have to rub in that sweat with your fingers. Of course, you can just wash your hands but I do recommend applying at the start of the day.

My armpits did not start smelling soon afterward and I felt very fresh after applying. I recommend this product and give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. What do you think?


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