Weekly News 1-8 november

Good News 

The good news for this week takes place in India. In India, girl's births are celebrated less than boy births. Therefor a village in India came up with an initiative good for the community and the environment. Every time a girl is born they plant 111 trees. 

Bad News

Australia is trying to shut down climate activism, forcing away activists with pepper spray. They are now to threatening with a new law to punish climate activists. Which is bad since Australia is falling behind on promises to reduce emissions. 


This week the company will not be a company. But a friend of mine who just started a blog. Her blog talks about not only climate issues but issues of all kinds. I would really appreciate it if you checked it out. https://meerasanjiv.blogspot.com/2019/10/helo-world.html 


This week I want to urge you yet again to donate to team trees. 

Here is also a live tree count:

