Weekly News 15-22 November

Image result for Coldplay aestheticGood News

What part of a concert is the worst?
This week's good news concerns a band, Coldplay to be exact. Coldplay is best known for the songs " Something Just Like This" and "The Scientist".  Coldplay has decided to stop touring until the concerts become beneficial for the environment. Chris Martin, the band's frontman said: "We're taking time over the next year or two, to work out how our tour can not only be sustainable [but] how can it be actively beneficial." I think it is a really great thing that this band is concerned about the environment and hope it will influence the rest of the music industry. 

Bad News

Coal plant
A coal power plant in Jiangxi, China
Most of the world is cutting its coal-based electricity to help meet Paris's climate goals. But China is using even more coal-based power than before, enough to power 31 million homes to be exact. China is creating 50% more coal plants than the rest of the world combined. Countries outside of China have managed to cut 8.1 gigawatts of coal power while China itself added 43 gigawatts in the same period of time.  


This week in we will be having another company in the spotlight, Ecomondo. Ecomondo has everything you need for an eco-friendly lifestyle at a low price! From soap lifts so your shampoo bars don't get soggy to net bags for fruits and veggies. I would recommend the Humble Brush toothpaste and toothbrush. Comment if you are going to buy anything!


This week's charity will be the Rainforest Alliance, on their website you can find games and activities to support the rainforest without having to spend money! The Rainforest Alliance helps protect rainforests all around the worldhttps://www.rainforest-alliance.org/kids

