Weekly news 8-15 november

Good News

View image on TwitterThe good news for this week is that Greta Thunberg has found a ride to Spain. After sailing to us she spent 3 months there but was struggling in a race with time to get to Spain on time. She has to be in Spain for the UN climate summit on December 2. Her trip will take 2-4 weeks so we are not sure she will make it on time. She will be sailing on the catamaran La Vagabonde. She will be sailing with this family. 

Bad News

You have probably heard about this week's bad news already. It is about the Venice floods, Venice has declared a state of emergency and the floods are a consequence of climate change. More than 80% of the city is flooded. It is not 100% sure that this specific flood as a consequence of climate change but, if not this flood place such as Venice and Holland are sure to experience flooding due to the rising sea levels. New dams and water drainage systems will have to be implemented. 


Feel Good Pack
This week we will have a conjoined company and charity again. I will try to find more separate ones but I really wanted to share this company with you. It is Pura Vida and you may have heard of it. They make waterproof bracelets that support charities. Not only eco-friendly charities but also charities like suicide prevention and breast cancer. They are perfect as gift or just for yourself. https://www.puravidabracelets.eu/

