Primark, Eco Disaster or Better than you think?

Image result for primark aesthetic storeSo we all have heard of the major fashion and home decor chain Primark. There have been many rumors going on so I am am going to do some research.
What Primark Says
I visited to see what they had to say. It mentioned that they are doing there best to reduce there impact on the environment. But that does not show how much they are really doing. They encourage buying a linen bag and reusing it. They also donate the clothing that is not sold to a children's organization. But I wanted to know what kind of materials they were using, In the page that they had dedicated to this subject, I did not find what I was looking for. It said that they were trying to reduce chemicals and water use.

Good On You 
I will not go into the details cause I do not just want to steal there post but Good On You rates Primark with a Not Good Enough. For more information check the link.

Are the clothes sustainably made?
Primark has introduced a sustainable cotton project. They are searching for new ways to reduce chemicals, waste, and effect on the environment. But how much have they reduced? And how much did they start with? I needed to dig deeper.
Then I found this chart in Fashion United. As you can see everything has gone up except for energy use. So even if they are trying, they are not trying hard enough. This chart only shows up to 2016 though, so maybe there has been a decrease in the previous 3 years.
In conclusion, I believe that they are trying, but maybe just to get the public happy. Do they really care about the environment? Or just about there sales. What do you think ?
