Weekly News 6-13 December

Hi All, Today I will be doing extra special holiday news.  I will only be doing good news because the holidays are all about fun, love,, and hope. Sometimes you just need to focus on the good things and zone out from all the bad stuff.

Drone planting trees

A startup based in Toronto called Flash Forest designed a drone that can be used to plant trees 10 times fast than human planters. They can plant trees at a price of only 50c per tree. They use 8 different types of different trees, to support eco-diversity. 

Kenyan Region Get's Water

A Kenyan region that formerly had not had clean water for 5 years, has had its problem fixed. They now have a solar water plant that can supply everybody with clean water. Next to the water plant, they have also supplied many of the schools there with renewable energy. 

Health Benefits

The recent reduction in air pollution has resulted in immediate health benefits. For example, in the US the closing of a steel mine in Utah resulted in reducing the hospitilatizion of phenomena, pleurisy, bronchitis, and asthma by half.

Hope you enjoyed! Comment your favorite news!
