Weekly News 11-18 January

Good News

The large technology company Microsoft has recently made a promise to eliminate all the carbon they placed in the air by the year 2030. In other words, going carbon negative. The technology to do this is greatly expensive which is why Microsoft is also releasing a 1 billion dollar fund. This image displays the method they have made to go carbon neutral by 2030

Image result for permafrost aesthetic
Bad News

Due to global warming, the permafrost is melting. But there is lots of carbon locked and frozen in the permafrost and when it melts that will be released as CO2 and methane contributing to climate change even more. And this is not even considering all the water that will flood dozens of coastal city's.


This week's company is Vent for Change. They sell pencils and stationery that are sustainably made. And the profits go to global education projects. I have applied to be ambassador and hope to hear from them soon. 


You may remember the fundraiser I help for turtles and this year I am doing another one for koalas. With 10 euros we can o plant trees that provide food for koalas or provide one koala with medicine and bandages. With 12.50 we can release one imprisoned koala into the wild. With 30 euros we can provide vets that can tend to the koalas immediately and 45 euros we can provide 1 koala with food. Your donation is very much appreciated. https://rangers.wwf.nl/actie/soskoala/theevergreenteun
